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Prenatal Diagnosis Including Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis


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    Screening is the process of identifying otherwise healthy individuals who may not be otherwise aware that they are at an increased risk of a disease or condition.

    Prenatal Screening (PNS) is the process of identifying fetuses who are at an increased risk of a disease or a condition by the systematic application of a test to pregnant women in order to identify the fetus who is at sufficient risk of a specific disorder and so will benefit from further investigation.

    Prenatal diagnosis (PND) is intended to identify or confirm an affected individual

    It is used for detection of anomalies in the fetus before birth. These anomalies may be

    • Genetic/chromosomal anomalies
    • Structural defect
    • Combination of both

    Prenatal screening and PND is mainly offered for chromosomal disorders and genetic defects

    PNS: only identifies the fetus at high risk of a condition. Intended to identify populations who have an increased risk for a specific disorder, and for whom diagnostic testing may be warranted.

    PND: makes a definitive diagnosis of that condition in the fetus

    Having a positive or high risk screening result does not mean that a fetus will be affected

    Why offer prenatal screening and PND?

    All pregnant women are at risk of carrying a fetus with a genetic abnormality

    Frequency of inherited malformations and genetic disorders in the newborn is 3%

    Incidence of major abnormality at birth is 2-3%

    95% of chromosomal anomalies are caused by trisomies 21, 18, 13 (majority T21)

    Routine in some Countries: e.g. Down syndrome screening, anomaly scan in UK, US

    Background risk of chromosomal abnormalities and genetic defects depends on maternal age and the gestational age. The risk—

    • Increases with maternal age
    • Reduces with gestational age

    Frequency is higher among abortuses because most serious malformations and genetic disorders result in spontaneous abortion

    Advantages of PNS and PND

    Enables provision of information to affected women so they can make an informed choice about their baby’s health

    Helps health care provider manage pregnancies better; holistic approach; family centered care

    Provides reassurance/removes anxiety if results are normal

    If results are abnormal, enables planning. Choice of

    • Continuation with pregnancy or termination
    • Prenatal treatment
    • Planning for the birth of an affected child

    PNS and PND Can be for

    • Chromosomal diseases
      • Trisomy 21, 18, 13
    • Non-chromosomal diseases
      • Single gene disorders e.g., SCD, thalassemia Fetal defects
      • Pre-eclampsia
      • GDM
      • PTB

    Screening test

    • Cheap and safe tests suitable for whole population
    • Selects a subgroup for diagnostic testing
    • Sensitivity and positive predictive value is important

    Diagnostic tests

    • Have a high degree of accuracy
    • E.g. amniocentesis for chromosomal abnormalities
    • May be invasive, carry risk and are expensive

    Ultrasound can be used for both screening and diagnosis

    Measures of the performance of a test

    Detection rate (DR): the proportion of individuals with a particular condition who test positive for that condition

    True positive: affected (sick) people correctly identified as affected

    False positive: unaffected (healthy) person incorrectly identified as affected (sick)

    True negative: unaffected individuals correctly identified as unaffected

    False negative: affected individual incorrectly identified as unaffected

    Sensitivity: ability of a test to correctly identify those with the disease i.e. true positive rate e.g. if 100 people known to have a disease are tested and 45 test positive, it means the sensitivity of the test is 45%. Proportion of actual positives who are correctly identified

    Specificity: ability of a test to correctly identify those without the disease i.e. True negative rate

    Positive predictive value: probability that subjects with a positive screening test truly have the disease

    Negative predictive value: probability that subjects with a negative screening test truly don’t have the disease

    Perfect test should be 100% sensitive (all affected individuals are identified) and 100% specific (no healthy individual is identified as affected)

    Conditions that may benefit from PNS

    Chromosomal disorders e.g. T21, 18, 13

    Neural tube defects

    Genetic disorders e.g. SCD, thalassemia

    Fetal structural anomalies


    • Preterm birth— using cervical length, fetal fibronectin
    • Screening for hemolytic disease of the newborn (rhesus isoimmunization)
    • Pre-eclampsia— using maternal history, mean arterial pressure at 11-13 weeks, uterine artery doppler at 11-13 weeks, biomarkers e.g. pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)
    • Gestational DM— maternal BMI, race,
    • Screening for potential neonatal infection e.g. hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis

    PNS is usually offered before PND because of the risk of miscarriage with invasive testing

    Indications for cytogenetic studies (amniocentesis, CVS, FBS)

    Advanced maternal age above 35 years

    • No unequivocal explanation for the relationship between aneuploidy and advanced maternal age; several theories viz:
    • With advancing maternal age, there is decreasing maternal selection against chromosomally abnormal conceptuses.
    • Chiasmata between homologous chromosomes decrease in aging oocytes, leading to nondisjunction and chromosomally abnormal ova.
    • Decline in the oocyte pool, or in the number of maturing oocytes per cycle, that accounts for the increase in trisomies with advancing maternal age.
    • Risk of trisomy 21 is 1:385 at 35-years, 1:137 at 39 years of age, and 1:30 at 45 years of age.
    • Trisomy 13, trisomy 18, 47XXX, and 47XXY also show an increased mean maternal age.
    • United States authorities believe that prenatal diagnosis should be offered, as an alternative to screening, to all women who will be 35 years of age or older when their infant is born

    Maternal high risk screening score

    Previous child with chromosomal abnormality

    Parental translocation, inversion, or aneuploidy

    Fetuses with intrauterine growth retardation

    Fetuses with anomalies on ultrasound examination.

    • Trisomic fetuses, especially fetuses with trisomy 13 or 18, often show IUGR
    • Gross anomalies also frequently can be visualized in fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities

    Antenatal chromosomal studies are appropriate if an abnormal fetus is detected on ultrasound examination.

    Certain biometric findings (e.g., short femur, short humerus, pyelectasis, thickened nuchal fold, nuchal translucency, echogenic bowel, absent nasal bone) are indicative of an increased risk of fetal Down syndrome.

    Potential indications for cytogenetic studies

    Advanced paternal age

    Previous unexplained stillbirth

    Previous spontaneous miscarriage

    Exposure to radiation or chemotherapeutic agent

    Assisted reproduction; male factor infertility

    • Some men with severe oligospermia and nonobstructive azoospermia have microdeletions of the Y chromosome which will be transmitted to their male offspring if conception occurs, either naturally or via IVF/ICSI
    • Children born after IVF or ICSI have an increased rate of autosomal and sex chromosome anomalies (1–3%)

    Methods of prenatal screening

    • Serum tests
    • Ultrasound
    • Combination of both

    Routine prenatal screening

    • Offered to all women
    • Women should be fully informed and understand the implications of the test
    • Test results should be promptly provided
    • Referral for definitive diagnosis may be required in women with positive screen results
    • Screening offered depends on local protocols

    Common chromosomal anomalies

    Down’s syndrome

    • Chromosomal disorder resulting in extra copy of chromosome 21
    • Affects 1 in 700 babies in US
    • Commonest aneuploidy compatible with extra-uterine survival
    • Risk increases with advancing maternal age
    • 95% cases caused by non-dysjunction during cell division
    • 4% caused by translocation
    • 1% caused by mosaicism


    Down’s syndrome screening

    • All women are at risk of having a fetus with Down’s syndrome
    • In developed countries, all women are offered screening which identifies women at higher risk of having an affected child
    • Screen positive women are offered a diagnostic test (cytogenetic analysis) which could be an invasive test e.g. amniocentesis, Chorionic Villous Sampling, or a blood test (NIPT)
    • Although risk increases with maternal age, if diagnostic testing is only offered to women above 35, only 30% of affected pregnancies will be identified

    Edward’s syndrome (T18)

    • Mostly results in IUGR, IUFD, NND
    • Very rarely does survival to adulthood occur
    • 1 in 3,000-6,000 live births

    Patau’s syndrome: (T13)

    • Most infants die within 1st week of life
    • Occurs in 1 in 16,000 newborns

    Screening for chromosomal anomalies

    Using certain markers of Aneuploidy

    Ultrasound markers

    • Nuchal Translucency (NT) >3.5mm
    • Absence of Nasal bone
    • Soft markers e.g. echogenic foci in the heart, echogenic bowel

    Serum markers

    • Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
    • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
    • Unconjugated estriol (uE3)
    • Pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A)

    When do we screen for chromosomal defects?

    • First trimester
    • Second trimester

    1st trimester USS markers

    • Raised Nuchal Translucency (NT) > 3.5mm— increased risk of Down’s, Turner, heart defects
    • Absent nasal bone—T21
    • Hypoplastic maxilla—T21
    • Omphalocoele—T18
    • Single umbilical artery—T18


    Nuchal translucency

    • Single most useful marker of aneuploidy
    • Chances of fetal abnormality increases as NT increases
    • Measures subcutaneous collection of fluid under baby’s neck using ultrasound
    • Measured in 1st trimester when CRL is 45-84 mm
    • 99th centile is 3.5 mm
    • May be increased in
      • Congenital infection
      • Fetal anemia
      • Chromosomal anomaly e.g. Down’s
      • Structural malformations

    Maternal serum screening for T21

    Detects levels of serum markers: free beta hCG, PAPP-A, AFP, estriol, inhibin

    May be performed in the first or second trimester

    It is a non-invasive method of PNS i.e. no risk to the pregnancy

    Aims at identifying women with increased risk of T13, 18, 21

    Used in conjunction with USS markers gives detection rate up to 85%


    hCG produced by placenta

    In Down’s syndrome,

    • Both alpha and beta subunits are increased but free beta subunit is used for screening
    • Placenta is hypersecretory and immature resulting in increased secretion of beta hCG usually commencing at end of 1st trimester and continuing into the 2nd trimester
    • Detection rate for T21 when used alone = 33%


    Pregnancy associated plasma protein A

    Concentration is lower in pregnancies with aneuploidy

    Detection rate for T21 is 38% when used alone

    Unconjugated estriol (uE3)

    Produced by the placenta

    Decreased in Down’s syndrome

    Also low in IUGR, oligohydramnios

    Biochemical markers are affected by

    • Smoking status: smoking can alter the PAPP-A result by up to 20%
    • Maternal weight at sampling: the exact weight on the day the sample is taken is essential for calculating the correct T21 risk. An error of as little as 3kg can have a dramatic effect on the final risk result.
    • Family origins: some biochemical markers like PAPP-A are 60% higher in Afro-Caribbean women, which will bias the results if not adjusted for.
    • Assisted conception: the risk of T21 increases with the mother's but not the father's age.

    Various screening modalities

    1st trimester screening for aneuploidy (Combined test)

    Determines risk for aneuploidy (commonly Trisomy 21, 18, 13) using a combination of

    • Maternal age (to determine background risk)
    • Maternal serum screen (free beta hCG + PAPP-A) Nuchal Translucency (NT)
    • Serum markers are independent of NT so combination of both results in increased detection rate

    >90% detection rate for T21

    Done at GA of 11 weeks + 2 days to 14 weeks + 1 day (when CRL is 45- 84 mm)

    2nd trimester screening

    Triple test

    • E.g. triple test, quadruple test, genetic sonogram
    • Triple test measures alpha fetoprotein (AFP) + hCG + unconjugated estriol (uE3)
    • Performed at 15-20th week in women who did not present early enough to benefit from the 1st trimester screening
    • Serum markers are combined with maternal age, weight, ethnicity and GA to give a risk score
    • Has 69% DR for T21 (Down’s syndrome)

    Quadruple test

    • For late bookers when NT no longer possible
    • Detection rate is 80% for T21
    • Inhibin is added to triple test markers i.e. measures AFP + hCG + uE3 + inhibin
    • Performed at 14-20 weeks (ideally, 14-16 weeks)
    • Has 80% DR for T21

    Integrated screening

    Combines 1st and 2nd trimester screening into a single risk

    Gives the highest Down syndrome detection rate of 90- 96%

    Disadvantage: test results are not available until 2nd trimester tests are complete which might lead to delay in intervention

    Sequential screening

    Results of 1st trimester test is disclosed to the woman enabling choice of early invasive test for women at high risk and those at low risk can go ahead with the 2nd trimester tests

    Detection of anomalies in the fetus before birth/ May be

    • Genetic abnormalities/chromosomal anomalies
    • Structural defect
    • Combination of both

    Aim is not to generate perfect babies but to help parents learn what they need to know about the health of their unborn child to help them make informed decisions for themselves and their family within the context of their own value system

    PND aims at detecting

    • Birth defects e.g. NTD, cleft palate, anterior abdominal wall defects
    • Chromosomal abnormalities e.g. Down’s syndrome genetic diseases e.g. hamoglobinopathies, cystic fibrosis
    • Other conditions that may adversely affect the fetus when it is born

    Why offer PND?

    • Primary aim of PND: to provide an accurate diagnosis that will allow informed decision making in couples at increased risk of having children with genetic conditions or congenital abnormalities
    • To enable early diagnosis and timely treatment in or ex- utero to give parents the option of aborting a fetus with a diagnosed condition (if local abortion laws permit) to enable the parents and healthcare provider to prepare for the birth and care of an affected child psychologically, socially, financially, medically or for the likelihood of a stillbirth

    Who is PND offered to?

    • Usually, pregnant women with positive prenatal screening results in other to arrive at a definitive diagnosis

    Indications for PND

    High risk prenatal screening test result

    Advanced maternal age e.g. screening for Down’s

    Previous child with chromosomal or structural abnormality

    Family history of inherited condition e.g. single gene disorders like SCD, Neurofibromatosis, achondroplasia

    Family history of structural abnormality e.g. Neural Tube Defect (NTD), CHD

    Other risk factors e.g. co-sanguinous marriage, poor obstetric history e.g. recurrent miscarriage, maternal DM, antenatal exposure to illnesses that could cause fetal abnormalities e.g. toxoplasmosis, rubella

    Antenatal exposure to teratogens

    Incidental findings of abnormalities during routine anomaly scan

    Methods of PND

    Can be invasive or noninvasive

    Noninvasive methods

    • Fetal visualization e.g. Ultrasound, fetal echo, MRI
    • Maternal serum screening e.g. maternal serum alpha fetoprotein for NTD
    • Noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)

    Invasive methods

    • Fetal visualization e.g. embryoscopy, fetoscopy
    • Tissue sampling e.g. amniocentesis, Chorionic villous sampling (CVS), percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS), skin, muscle or liver biopsy
    • Specimens from invasive tests are sent for cytogenetic analysis

    Disadvantages of invasive tests

    • Risk of mother to child transmission (MTCT) of diseases eg HIV, hepatitis so screen before the test;
    • Risk of sensitization of Rhesus negative mother so give Rh immunoglobulin in Rh -women
    • Risk of pregnancy loss


    May be used in isolation or as an adjunct for invasive testing (e.g. amniocentesis and CVS)

    Abnormalities may be picked up in the 1st trimester

    Anomaly scan is usually offered at 20-22 weeks

    Useful in detecting structural abnormalities e.g.

    • Neural tube defects: anencephaly, meningocoele
    • Anterior abdominal wall defect
    • Heart defects
    • Multiple defects


    Commonest invasive procedure

    Involves insertion of a needle into the amniotic cavity and aspiration of amniotic fluid which is sent for analysis

    Usually performed at 15-18 weeks gestation though may be done later

    Obtained sample is sent for cytogenetic analysis

    • Miscarriage; 1%
    • Intra-amniotic bleeding
    • Abruptio placentae
    • Rupture of membranes
    • Infection
    • Long term effects
      • Fetal lung development
      • Limb deformities

    Chorionic villous sampling

    Needle introduced to aspirate placental tissue;

    Usually transabdominal; transvaginal if posterior placenta, retroverted uterus

    Can be performed earlier than amniocentesis; usually 11-14 weeks

    Complications of CVS

    • Miscarriage; 1-2%
    • Injury to surrounding structures
    • Confined placental mosaicism


    1st trimester procedure

    Rigid endoscope inserted via cervix under USS guidance to visualize structural malformations


    Endoscopic visualisation of the fetus

    Performed in 2nd trimester >16 weeks (usually at 18-20 weeks)

    Endoscope inserted into amniotic cavity through an anterior abdominal wall incision;

    3-5 % miscarriage rate


    • Detection of structural abnormalities
    • Fetal blood sampling for haemoglobinopathies
    • Fetal biopsy; skin, liver
    • Fetal surgery; ablation of anastomoses in ttts, selective feticide, division of amniotic bands

    Cordoscentesis/percutaneous umbilical blood sampling

    Ultrasound guided procedure to obtain fetal blood from umbilical cord

    Also used for in-utero transfusion e.g. in anemia from Rhesus iso-immunization

    Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis (NIPD)

    Detects fetal DNA fragments present in maternal plasma during pregnancy i.e. cell free DNA most

    • cfDNA is maternal in origin—cell free maternal DNA
    • 10-20% is fetal in origin
cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA)

    Detectible as early as 6 weeks gestation

    Can detect fetal sex, chromosomal abnormalities,

    Useful in whole genome sequencing— determining the complete DNA sequence of every gene

    Can detect about 99% of cases of trisomy 21, 97% of trisomy 18, and 92% of trisomy 13, with respective false- positive rates of 0.08%, 0.15%, and 0.2%


    • Safe and easy; no risk to mother or fetus
    • Performed early in gestation, allowing time for decision-making/early pregnancy termination/preparation for affected child


    • First detected in maternal blood at 4-5 weeks
    • Cleared from maternal circulation within 1 hour of birth so is specific to the current pregnancy


    • Screening for Down’s syndrome
    • Detection of some single gene disorders e.g. achondroplasia, thanatophoric dysplasia, SCD
    • Fetal sex determination
    • Useful in pregnancies at risk of serious X linked conditions e.g. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD)

    Benefits of NIPT/NIPD

    • Reduced requirement for invasive testing
    • No risk of miscarriage
    • Can be offered earlier than traditional testing


    • In multiple pregnancy, impossible to deternine which fetus the DNA is from
    • Women with high BMI have relatively reduced cffDNA because they have a higher proportion of their own cell free DNA resulting in higher chance of inconclusive result
    • Cost

    Management options following PND

    Continue with the pregnancy— increased risk of having an affected child, IUGR, stillborn, NND

    Termination of pregnancy

    In-utero therapy

    Post-natal treatment

    Types— 2D, 3D

    Aneuploidy screening— NT scan

    1st trimester screening for fetal anomalies

    2nd trimester anomaly scan

    20-22 weeks scan


    • Fetal anatomy and growth
    • Placenta localization
    • Amniotic fluid volume
    • Uterine artery dopplers
    • Cervical length

    3D ultrasound

    Useful for diagnoses of certain birth defects e.g. cleft lip

    More easily understood by parents

    Data can be stored for later evaluation by a specialist can be used to calculate tissue and fluid volumes e.g. lung volume measurements for prediction of pulmonary hypoplasia in CDH


    Fetal MRI

    • Complementary to ultrasound
    • Particularly useful in CNS, thoracic and lung abnormalities e.g. encephalocoele, congenital diaphragmatic hernia


    Partial or complete failure of closure of anterior end of neural tube

    NTD characterized by absence cranial vault and cerebral hemispheres

    Absent skull; exposure of cerebral cortex

    100% DR by Ultrasound. 1st trimester USS diagnosis possible

    • Absent cranium
    • Brain tissue seen exposed to amniotic cavity
    • Prominent eyes and ears

    Lethal; 50% stillborn; remaining die early NND


    May occur in genetic syndromes


    Congenital infections




    Skin covered NTD affecting cranium resulting in midline mass overlying skull defect

    75% occipital; 12% frontal, 13% parietal

    Mass may be filled with fluid, brain or both

    Spina Bifida

    Failure of vertebral arches to close prior to 6th week due to failure of normal neural ectoderm development

    Prenatal diagnosis

    • Raised MSAFP
    • USS


    Screening for neural tube defects

    • Biochemistry: maternal serum alphafetoprotein at 16-18 weeks
    • Amniotic fluid serum alpha fetoprotein
    • Ultrasound to detect neural tube defects

    Heart defects

    Prenatal detection enables consideration of options

    • PND of genetic abnormality
    • Continuing with pregnancy
    • Termination if allowed

    Plan delivery; place, timing, neonatal care

    Counsel regarding risks in subsequent pregnancy

    GI anomalies e.g. duodenal atresia

    Associated with T21

    Other cardiac, skeletal

    Renal and GI defects may be present

    Renal genitourinary anomalies

    Various types

    May be minor or major, lethal or non-lethal

    Lethal e.g. bilateral renal agenesis: counsel; offer TOP if allowed

    Non-lethal eg posterior urethral valve; consider in-utero therapy, optimize time and place of delivery

    Anterior abdominal wall defects


    Herniation of bowel, liver and other organs into amniotic cavity

    Not covered by peritoneal membrane

    Typically the hernia is on the right side of a normally inserted umbilical cord


    Herniation of bowel, liver and other organs into the intact umbilical cord

    Tissues are covered by peritoneal membrane

    Umbilical cord inserts into the hernia

    Some ethical dilemmas in PGD

    Late onset disorders or for cancer predisposition,

    BRCA1 and 2 mutation, by 70years, 65% risk of breast cancer, 39% for ovarian in BRCA1; 45% and 11% for BRCA-2 respectively

    Li Fraumeni syndrome (genetic predisposition to cancer later in life; 55% develop cancer by 40 yrs, 90% by 60 yrs)

    Legality or otherwise of transferring an affected embryo (illegal in UK; HFEA act 2008)

    PGD for HLA matching: welfare of present versus future child; harvesting organs, benefits for receiving child versus disadvantages for the future child; what If the treatment fails?

    Informed decision making; non-directive counseling

    RhD alloimmunization


    Gestational diabetes

    Fetal growth restriction

    Preterm birth

    Fetal defects

    RhD isoimmunization

    D antigen: present on surface of RBC of Rh + individual; absent in Rh –


    • Feto-maternal exchange of blood may occur during pregnancy, delivery, invasive procedures, miscarriages etc.
    • First pregnancy: Rh + cells crossover into Rh - mother, mother produces anti-D antibodies
    • Subsequent pregnancy: mother’s antibodies cross the placenta and destroy fetus’s RBC- haemolysis, anemia and its sequelae e.g. CCF, hydrops
    • Prevented by giving mother anti-D immunoglobulin (it prevents mother from producing anti D antibodies; ideally given prophylactically at 28 and 34 weeks and following delivery of Rh + infant, invasive procedures etc.

    Cell free fetal DNA or amniotic fluid PCR can be performed for PND of fetal rhesus status so that Rh immunoglobulin is only given if the fetus is actually Rh positive.

    A sonographic short cervix diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasound is the most powerful predictor of preterm delivery (50% of women with a cervical length ≀15 mm will deliver prior to 32 weeks of gestation).

    Cervical length at 22-24 weeks < 25mm by TVS results in > 6fold increased risk for PTB < 35 weeks

    Randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews have demonstrated that vaginal progesterone reduces significantly the rate of preterm birth by 50% and reduces neonatal morbidity/mortality

    Fetal fibronectin in cervico-vaginal secretions also used to screen for PTB

    Various modalities for prenatal screening and prenatal diagnosis

    Allows early decision making regarding pregnancy

    PNS identifies fetus at high risk of a condition, PND identifies fetus with the condition

    PNS and PND commonly offered for chromosomal diseases but may also be offered for genetic diseases (e.g. SCD), fetal defects (e.g. NTD), maternal conditions (e.g. PET, PTB)

    Prenatal screening should be offered to all women depending on local protocol

    Prenatal diagnosis should be offered to women with high risk prenatal screening results or other women with indications for PND

    Ultrasound is beneficial in both screening and diagnosis

    PNS: combined test, triple test, quadruple test

    PND: may require invasive procedures which carry risks of miscarriage

    NIPT enables PND without associated risk of miscarriage

    PGD may be an option


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