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Gynecological Endoscopy


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    Indications for Laparoscopy


    • For pelvic pain
      • Endometriosis
      • PID
      • Adhesions
      • Pelvic congestion etc.
    • Infertility
      • With tubal insufflation
    • Pelvic Mass
      • Uterine e.g. Fibroids
      • Ovarian – benign or malignant
      • Other

    For Intervention

    • Assisted conception (OPU and GIFT), not commonly used anymore.
    • Diathermy to endometriosis
    • Sterilisation (Clips, Loops or Diathermy)
    • Biopsy of ovary or tumours
    • Division of adhesions
    • Ectopic pregnancy, cysts, oophorectomy
    • Advanced surgery – all operations!

    Techniques in Laparoscopy

    Creating the Pneumoperitoneum

    • Verres needle
    • Direct trochar insertion
    • Hassan open technique
    • Abdominal wall elevation
    • CO2 , N2 or other gas

    Reusable or Disposable Equipment

    Direct vision or camera

    Surgical Aids

    • Unipolar or Bipolar diathermy
    • Laser
    • Loops
    • Clips
    • Long instruments

    Complications of Laparoscopy


    Injury to:

    • Major blood vessels
    • Ureter, Bladder or Bowel
    • Uterine perforation from elevator
    • Need laparotomy 1:500

    Wound infection

    Gas embolism

    Surgical misadventure

    • Inadvertent diathermy perforation
    • Peritonitis


    • 1:500,000

    Indications for Hysteroscopy

    Abnormal uterine bleeding

    • Post-menopausal
    • Pre-menopausal


    • Congenital abnormality
    • Adhesions
    • Polyps etc.

    Surgical Interventions

    • Sterilisation (Essure)
    • Division of adhesions
    • Removal of benign tumours
    • Endometrial ablation

    Techniques in Hysteroscopy

    Distension with:

    • Nothing = contact hysteroscopy
    • Gas CO2
    • Saline
    • Glycine

    Blind Entry or Entry under vision

    Hysteroscopic instruments

    Endometrial ablation

    • Laser
    • Resectoscope
    • Roller ball
    • Now overtaken with blind thermal or radio HF ablation

    Complications of Hysteroscopy


    Cervical Injury

    Uterine perforation

    Fluid overload



    • Evaluation of CIN
    • Biopsy target
    • Vaginal and vulval examination
    • DES exposure


    • Acetic acid
    • Schiller’s iodine


    • Outpatient treatment of CIN e.g. Laser


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