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- Normal pcv in the newborn is 45-64%.
- Polycythemia in the newborn is venous haematocrit ≥ 65%.
- Also known as hyper viscosity syndrome, defined as viscosity more than 2SD above the mean.
- With an increase in haematocrit, viscosity increases.
- There is resistance to blood flow leading to ischemia, resulting in hypoxia and ultimately anaerobic glycolysis with acidosis.
- RBCs clump together to form thrombi resulting in micro infarcts.
Associated with Increased Volemia:
- Delayed Cord Clamping
- Cord Stripping
- Malpositioning
- Maternal-Fetal Transfusion
- Twin-Twin Transfusion
Associated with Placental Insufficiency:
- Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
- Post Term
- Babies born to mothers with Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA), Hypertension in Pregnancy, Renal Disorders, and Eisenmenger Syndrome
Other Causes:
- Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
- Infant of the Diabetic Mother
- Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
- Trisomy 13, 18, 21
- Neonatal Thyrotoxicosis
- Common features are plethora, lethargy, weak suck, hypotonia, respiratory distress.
CNS (Central Nervous System):
- Lethargy
- Convulsions
RS (Respiratory System):
- Respiratory distress
- Cyanosis
CVS (Cardiovascular System):
- Cyanosis
- Features of heart failure
UGS (Urinary and Genital System):
- Oliguria
- Haematuria
- Priapism
ABD (Abdomen):
- Features of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
Associated Features:
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypocalcemia
- Thrombocytopenia
- Diagnosis is very simple, however, it requires an index of suspicion, especially in Small for Gestational Age (SGA), Large for Gestational Age (LGA), and plethoric babies.
- VENOUS PCV (Venous Packed Cell Volume) measurement is used for confirmation.
- Partial Exchange Transfusion (PET)
- Who to Treat:
- PCV 65 – 69% with symptoms
- PCV ≥ 70% ± symptoms
- Volume of exchange = blood volume × (observed PCV – desired PCV)/observed PCV
- Where:
- Observed PCV = PCV of patient
- Desired PCV is the normal PCV (50 – 55)
- Blood volume = 80mls/kg
Procedure of PET (Partial Exchange Transfusion)
- Two vascular accesses are required: venous and arterial (usually using the umbilical vein).
- A plasma expander is needed (options include plasma, dextran, commonly normal saline in Ilorin).
- The procedure involves two individuals:
- One person removes blood from the arterial access.
- The other person infuses the plasma expander.
- These actions are performed synchronously until the total calculated volume is exchanged.

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