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Who are we?

We are medical students.

We are the heirs of a long tradition of struggle and sacrifice. We stand on the shoulders of giants. The things that we enjoy today are the results of the hardwork of so many people before us. Everyone who has gone through a struggle has a responsibility to try to make things better for people coming after them.

We truly understand the challenges that come with the demanding journey of becoming a doctor because we are going through it ourselves. We have experienced the highs and lows that accompany this tough path. We're still in the midst of this challenging journey, but we firmly believe that we can try to make things a little bit better for ourselves and for our fellow medical students.

We are driven by empathy. We understand the sleepless nights, the countless hours spent poring over textbooks and lecture slides, and the pressure to succeed. We've been through the overwhelming exams, the humbling clinical rotations, and the so many anxiety-ridden moments that come with being a medical student. We know firsthand the emotional toll that this journey can take.

But it is precisely these experiences that have inspired us. We believe in the power of technology to improve access, to make things better, and to bridge the gaps. We believe in the transformative impact that easy access to information can have on our own learning. It is this understanding that has compelled us to create a platform that provides fellow medical students with the bulk of the tools and resources they need to succeed- all in one place.

Our goal is to provide you with all the information and resources you need at your finger tips. This is a work in progress and we hope to continually expand and refine it's functionality.

We may not have all the answers, but we promise to work tirelessly to make your journey a little bit easier, a little bit brighter, and a little bit more hopeful.