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Mumps (Epidemic Parotitis)


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    Acute, frequently mild viral infection characterised in the majority of affected individuals by painful enlargement of the parotid and or other salivary glands but occasionally associated with viraemic complications

    • Mumps virus-RNA virus
    • Genus paramyxovirus of the paramyxoviridae family
    • Same group with RSV, PIV, New Castle, LCM

    • Worldwide distribution but endemic in most unvaccinated communities
    • Reservoir of infection is human
    • Spread –
      • Airborne droplets
      • Direct contact
      • Body fluid contaminated fomites, esp with saliva or urine.
    • Male:Female ratio distribution almost equal
    • Age incidence: Peak 5-9 yrs, with over 80% seen in under 15; Also seen in young adults, colleges and & work institutions
    • Outbreaks related to lack of immunization

    • Entry via pharynx, oro- or nasopharnx
    • Primary viral replication in the respiratory tract epithelium
    • Viraemic dissemination to several organs/glands, but chiefly the salivary and other exocrine glands like the pancreas, gonads, thyroid, hearing organs, CNS
    • Edema is out of tune with the extent of glandular involvement with consequent evidence of a more visible than palpable enlargement
    • Concomitant ductal pathology

    • Causative virus can be identified from the saliva some 1 wk before swelling and 8-9 days after
    • Peak transmission / viral shedding , 1 day before and not more than 3 days after the swelling would have regressed
    • Urinary isolation, from the day the swelling is noticed up to 2 weeks after

    • Chiefly a parotid or less commonly other salivary gland affair
    • Fills space anterior to the mastoid & posterior to the mandibular (erasure oedema)
    • Swelling progresses downward and forward in a series of crescents limited above by the zygoma but along an axis extending antero-inferiorly from the tragus to the mid madibular ramus.
    • Swelling may cause upward and outward displacement of the pinna.
    • Swelling painful esp. on tasting sour stuff, and also tender to touch
    • Evidence of other salivary gland affectation(10-15%),swelling @ the angle of the jaw, floor of the mouth /submentum
    • Concomitant swelling & redness of the duct & opening

    Non-Salivary Manifestations

    • Fever, usually low grade
    • Oedema of the homolateral pharynx with soft palate & tonsillar displacement +/- laryngeal extension/oedema
    • Sternomanubrial edema
    • Upper abdominal pain (pancreatitis) - Pancreas involved in some 75% of cases.
    • Features of viraemic complications - encephalitis may occur with or without parotitis.

    Of Viraemic origin:

    • Pancreatitis.
    • Meningoencephalitis – note propensity for high CSF pleocytosis- up to 500 – 2000 cells , usually lymphocytes
    • Sensorineural deafness
    • Oophoritis/orchitis +/- epididimitis
    • Myocarditis.
    • Thyroiditis
    • Arthritis

    1. Clinical
    2. Microbiologic:
      1. Virus culture from saliva CSF, urine, blood, brain .
      2. Culture in human or monkey kidneys; Identification is by haemadsorption – occassional cytopathic effect
      3. EIA for mumps IgG & IgM, frequently detectible after the 1st few days of swelling – Initial detectn of IgM diagnostic and may remain high for months (ref anti V vs anti F)
      4. 4-fold rise of IgG diagnostic but Cross reactivity with PIV well recognised.
    3. Non-Micro: Elevated serum amylase in 75%
    4. Nonspecific:
      • Leukopaenia with relative lymphocytosis
      • Mumps skin test- unreliable

    • Non-specific treatment including avoidance/dietary modification, analgesics, bed rest, testicular support, NSAID for arthritis & Mx of encephalitis etc
    • Mumps is preventable with live attenuated virus derived from Jeryl Lynn strain of the mumps virus prepared from Chick or hen embryo.
    • Given as MMR in childhood with 4-6 wks btw initial and booster – usually initially @ 4-6 yrs but in any case b4 11-12yrs
    • Avoid in pregnancy, acute febrile states, anaphylaxis/allergy to vaccine component to and immuno-compromised
    • Maternal A/B protective, 1st 6 months of life.


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