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- The process involved in the generation of an occlusive plug to arrest bleeding in areas of vascular injury.
- The process is the end result of a complex interaction between 3 major components viz:
- The coagulation cascade, made up of the pro- & anti-coagulant proteins
- Vascular wall, whose major component collagen, initiates the process
- Platelets key to the formation of the plug.
- Serves to limit the extent of the clot formed & re-establish normal flow after hemostasis have been achieved.
- Prostacyclin (PGI2): anti-platelet effect.
- Protein C & S: inhibits factor V & VIII.
- Anti-thrombin III: Inhibitor of factors II, IX, X, XI & XII.
- Tissue factor pathway inhibitor.
- Plasmin: fibrinolytic agent.
- Congenital deficiencies of these factors as well as conditions such as Homocystinuria & factor V Leiden result in hereditary thrombotic disorders.
Hemostatic disorders are broadly divided into 2.
- Bleeding disorders: usually 2° deficiencies/malfunctioning of clotting elements.
- Thrombotic / hypercoagulability disorders, e.g. factor V Leiden, protein C deficiency
- Genes for the pro- & anti-coagulant proteins, with the exception of FVIII & FIX, are encoded on autosomes.
- They are essentially high molecular weight compounds, hence poor placental transfer.
- Plasma levels of FV, VIII, VWF & Platelets approach normal in late 2nd to 3rd trimester. Levels of other factors normalizes towards the end of the first year, except for Protein C (adolescence).
- Haemophilia A and B are inherited bleeding disorders caused by deficiencies of clotting factor VIII (FVIII) and factor IX (FIX), respectively. They account for 90-95% of severe congenital coagulation factor deficiencies.
- The modern history of haemophilia dates back to 1803 with the description of haemophilic kindred by John Otto.
- FVIII isolated in 1937 by Patek and Taylor, which they called antihemophilia factor (AHF).
- Christmas disease was later recognized in 1952 (named after the 1ST patient to be studied in detail).
- 1964 marked the beginning of the “concentrate era’’, with the discovery of the usefulness of cryoprecipitate (factor VIII-rich blood fraction) in its treatment.
- Genes for both factors were cloned in 1985, with subsequent commercial production of the recombinant variants of the factors.
- Prevalence: 1:5,000. 85% haemophilia A, 15% B.
- Sex: Generally occur almost exclusively in males; however also could occur in females due to lyonization or presence of 2 independent mutations.
- Race: no racial preference.
- Age: can manifest at birth or later in life. Onset of manifestations depend on degree of deficiency.
Clinical Features
- Presents with bleeding from various sites which could be provoked or spontaneous.
- Neonates: cord bleeding, post circumcision bleed, intracranial bleeding, sub-galeal haemorrhage etc.
- Infants: gum bleeding especially with teeth eruption common in this age group & could be difficult to control.
- Hemarthrosis which is the commonest manifestation of this condition, is usually seen in the toddlers and older age group as physical activity increases.
- They could also present with intramuscular hematomas especially involving the iliopsoas muscle.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding are rather unusual compared to VWD.
- Petechiae usually do not occur in patients with hemophilia as they are manifestations of capillary blood leaking, which typically is the result of vasculitis or abnormalities in the number or function of platelets.
Classification Based On Severity
- Clotting profile
- APTT usually prolonged; normal APTT however does not rule it out.
- PT, BT, Platelet count all normal.
- Factor VIII, IX assay.
- Pre-natal & carrier diagnosis is possible using either molecular techniques (Preferred) or via quantitative assay of the factors in utero (especially for FVIII).
- Lentiviral screening, HBsAg
- Joint Roentgenography
- Current treatment of patients with hemophilia requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach.
- A comprehensive team includes the Hematologist, Surgeons especially orthopedic, Dentist; nurses; Physiotherapists; social workers.
- Bedrock of management is replacement therapy with relevant factor concentrate.
- Management can be divided into 3 broad categories:
- Primary prophylaxis (gold standard): indicated for patients with moderate to severe condition. Aimed at maintaining factor level above 5%.
- Dose - 20 U/kg/day for Haemophilia A & 30 U/kg/day for B, on alternate days.
- Secondary prophylaxis: after target organ damage had started.
- Therapeutic use of concentrates: Less cost effective than prophylaxis
Dose of recombinant factor
- Dose of FVIII (Units) = (Required – Observed Level) X Weight (Kg) X 0.5
- Dose of FIX (Units) = (Required – Observed Level) X Weight (Kg) X 1.4
Other Modalities
- Desmopressin acetate: Promote release of formed FVIII.
- EACA: anti-fibrinolytic agent, useful for mucosal bleed.
- Patient Education: Avoidance of contact sports, IM injections (SC when feasible). Replacement therapy may be necessary prior to circumcision.
- Genetic counselling
- Definitive treatment – Gene therapy.
- Chronic arthropathy
- Hematomas including intracranial
- Anaemia
- Transfusion-related infections
- Development of factor inhibitors (antibodies).
- Low self esteem
- Psycho-social, financial strain.
- Commonest bleeding disorder worldwide present in 1–2% of the general population.
- A congenital bleeding disorder inherited in autosomal dominant fashion. Chromosome 12 contains the gene for VWF.
- vWF is a large multimeric glycoprotein that synthesized in megakaryocytes and endothelial cells. It is stored in platelet α-granules and endothelial cell Weibel-Palade bodies.
- Following a vascular injury, vWF binds to the subendothelial matrix resulting in a conformational change. This promotes platelet activation, with consequent externalization of phosphatidylserine. This phospholipid act at 2 critical steps in the coagulation cascade.
VWF also serves as the carrier protein for plasma factor VIII. Classified into 3 major forms:
- Type 1 - protein is quantitatively reduced, but not absent
- Type 2 - qualitatively abnormal
- Type 3 - absent
Clinical manifestation
- mucocutaneous haemorrage is characteristic.
- Bruising, epistaxis, menorrhagia and post-operative. Patients with type 3 may rarely have hemarthroses.
- Bleeding may however not occur during stressful events such as partutition as vWD is an acute phase reactant.
- Bleeding time
- vWF activity
- vWF antigen assay
- Factor VIII activity
- DDAVP – induces release of vWF. Not useful in type 3.
- Fresh-frozen plasma/ cryoprecipitate. Contains both vWF and factor VIII.
- Antifibrinolytic agent e.g. e-aminocaproic acid.
Comparison of Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, and von Willebrand Disease
- Also called disseminated intravascular coagulation or consumptive coagulopathy.
- A disorder characterized by widespread activation of the coagulation mechanism, usually associated with shock. Bleeding and clotting manifestations may be present simultaneously, with consumption of coagulant and anti-coagulant proteins.
- Occurs in association with various infectious and non-infectious conditions.
- Meningococcemia (purpura fulminans)
- Other gram-negative bacteria (Haemophilus, Salmonella, Escherichia coli)
- Rickettsia (Rocky Mountain spotted fever), Viruses (cytomegalovirus, herpes, hemorrhagic fevers), Malaria, Fungi infections.
Tissue Injury
- CNS trauma (e.g., massive head injury)
- Multiple fractures with fat emboli
- Crush injury
- Profound shock or asphyxia
- Hypothermia or hyperthermia
- Massive burns
- Acute promyelocytic leukemia
- Acute monoblastic or myelocytic leukemia
- Widespread malignancies (neuroblastoma)
- Venom or Toxin
- Snake bites
- Insect bites
Microangiopathic Disorders
- “Severe” thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Giant hemangioma (Kasabach-Merritt syndrome)
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Fulminant hepatitis
- Severe inflammatory bowel disease
- Reye syndrome
- Maternal toxemia
- Group B streptococcal infections
- Abruptio placentae
- Severe Perinatal Asphyxia
- Severe respiratory distress syndrome
- Necrotizing enterocolitis
- Congenital viral disease (e.g., cytomegalovirus or herpes)
- Erythroblastosis fetalis
Hereditary Thrombotic Disorders
- Antithrombin III deficiency
- Homozygous protein C deficiency
- Severe acute graft rejection
- Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
- Severe collagen vascular disease
- Kawasaki disease
- Heparin-induced thrombosis
- Infusion of "activated" prothrombin complex concentrates
- Hyperpyrexia/encephalopathy, hemorrhagic shock syndrome
- Widespread endothelial injury
- Profuse generation of tissue factor
- Suppresion of anticoagulant protein activity
- Intense inflammation
Clinical presentation
- Bleeding: initially from puncture sites, orifices, internal bleeds
- Purpura, petechiae, ecchymoses, haematoma
- Multiple organ failure
- Complete blood count
- Peripheral blood film examination – burr, helmet cells, schizocytes.
- Clotting profile – all deranged.
- FDP test, D-dimer assay for fibrinogen degradation products.
- Screen for trigger agent e.g. blood culture, urinalysis, m/c/s, malaria etc.
2 main principle of management
- Treat the trigger that caused DIC
- Restore normal homeostasis by correcting the shock, acidosis, and hypoxia that usually complicate DIC.
- Platelet counts less than 150,000/mm3 constitute thrombocytopenia.
- Mucocutaneous bleeding is the hallmark of platelet disorders, including thrombocytopenia.
- The risk of bleeding correlates imperfectly with the platelet count.
- Children with platelet counts greater than 80,000/mm3 are able to withstand all but the most extreme hemostatic challenges, such as surgery or major trauma.
- Children with platelet counts less than 20,000/mm3 are at risk for spontaneous bleeding.
- It also depends on the age of the platelets (young, large platelets usually function better than old ones) and
- the presence of inhibitors of platelet function, such as antibodies, drugs (especially aspirin), fibrin degradation products, and toxins formed in the presence of hepatic or renal disease.
- The size of platelets is now routinely measured as the mean platelet volume.
Etiology of thrombocytopenia
The etiology of thrombocytopenia may be organized into disorders of
- Decreased Platelet Production,
- Increased Destruction, And
- Sequestration
Thrombocytopenia Resulting from Peripheral Destruction Etiology
- In a child who appears well, immunemediated mechanisms are the most common cause of thrombocytopenia.
- Thrombocytopenia results from increased rates of antibody-dependent platelet destruction.
- Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (NATP) occurs as a result of sensitization of the mother to antigens present on fetal platelets during gestation. Antibodies cross the placenta and attack the fetal platelet.
- Many platelet alloantigens have been identified and sequenced, permitting prenatal diagnosis of the condition in an at-risk fetus.
- Mothers with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (maternal ITP) or with a history of ITP may have passive transfer of antiplatelet antibodies that react with fetal platelets, with resultant neonatal thrombocytopenia
- The maternal platelet count is sometimes a useful indicator of the probability that the infant will be affected.
Clinical Manifestations
- The infant with NATP is at risk for intracranial hemorrhage in utero and during the immediate delivery process.
- In ITP, the greatest risk seems to be present during passage through the birth canal, during which molding of the head may induce intracranial hemorrhage
- Administration of IV immunoglobulin before delivery has been shown to be effective in increasing fetal platelet counts and may alleviate thrombocytopenia in the infant in cases of NATP and ITP.
- Delivery by cesarean section is recommended to prevent CNS bleeding.
- Neonates with severe thrombocytopenia (platelet counts 20,000/mm3) may be treated with IV immunoglobulin or corticosteroids or both until the period of thrombocytopenia remits.
- If necessary, infants with NATP may receive washed maternal platelets.
Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
- A common disorder in children that usually follows an acute viral infection.
- Childhood ITP is caused by an antibody (IgG or IgM) that binds to the platelet membrane. The condition results in splenic destruction of antibody-coated platelets.
Clinical Manifestations
- Young children typically exhibit ITP 1 to 4 weeks after viral illness, with abrupt onset of petechiae, purpura, and epistaxis.
- The thrombocytopenia usually is severe.
- Significant adenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly is unusual, and the RBC and WBC counts are normal.
Laboratory Diagnosis
- Based on clinical presentation and the platelet count and often does not require a bone marrow examination.
- If atypical findings are noted, however, marrow examination is indicated to rule out an infiltrative disorder (leukemia) or an aplastic process (aplastic anemia).
- Examination of the bone marrow reveals increased megakaryocytes and normal erythroid and myeloid elements.
Treatment and Prognosis
- Therapy does not affect the long-term outcome of ITP but is intended to increase the platelet count acutely.
- For clinical bleeding or severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count <20,000/mm3), therapeutic options include
- prednisone, 2 to 4 mg/kg/24 hours for 2 weeks;
- IV immunoglobulin, 1 g/kg/24 hours for 1 to 2 days; or
- IV anti-D (WinRho SD), 50 to 75 μg/kg/dose for Rh-positive individuals.
- Splenectomy is indicated in acute ITP only for life-threatening bleeding.
- Approximately 80% of children have a spontaneous resolution of ITP within 6 months after diagnosis.
- Serious bleeding, especially intracranial bleeding, occurs in less than 1% of patients with ITP.
- ITP that persists for 6 to 12 months is classified as chronic ITP.
- Repeated treatments with IV immunoglobulin or IV anti-D or high-dose pulse steroids have been effective in delaying the need for splenectomy.

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