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Bereavement and Separation Loss


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    • Grief is a normal phenomenon common to all of us.
    • As we go through life, we experience a wide variety of losses for which we grieve.
    • It is not possible to go through life without suffering losses.
    • Grief is the response to any loss and is therefore a common human experience.
      • A common but often unrecognized part of life cycle changes.
      • Often seen as interfering with life, rather than being intrinsic to life.
    • Who feels the grief?
      • All ages, all persons, and often even care providers.


    • Grief is the process of psychological, social, and somatic reactions to the perception of loss.
    • Mourning is the cultural response to grief.
    • Bereavement is the state of having suffered a loss.
    • Grief Work is the work of dealing with grief, requiring the expenditure of physical and emotional energy.

    Common Causes of Death

    • Infections
      • Malaria
      • Pneumonia
      • Diarrhoeal disease
      • Vaccine-preventable diseases
    • Neonatal deaths
    • Accidents
    • Tumours

    Elements of Appropriate Grieving

    Grieving is:

    • Active
    • Healing
    • Skillful
    • Transformative
    • Connective
    • Social

    • Gender
    • Closeness to the child
    • Family support structure
    • Background psychiatric/personality disorder
    • Number of children
    • Method of death
    • Use of psychotropic drugs
    • Individual patterns of coping
    • Previous grief or bereavement
    • Culture and religion

    Bereavement: Gender Issues

    Men may have different coping styles than women and are more likely to:

    • Remain silent.
    • Engage in solitary mourning or secret grief.
    • Take physical or legal action.
    • Become immersed in activity.
    • Exhibit addictive behavior.

    These phases need to be interpreted not necessarily as sequential but more likely as concurrent processes.

    1. Acute or Self-Protective Phase
      • Initial shock, denial, and disbelief.
      • May feel dissociated from the world around them.
      • If the family is well-prepared, there may not be the same amount of shock or avoidance.
      • Sometimes, there is an intellectualized acceptance without an emotional component (initial denial of the loss).
    2. Confrontation
      • The most intense experience of grief.
      • Emotional extremes are common.
      • Rapid and large swings in emotion often cause fear and more anxiety.
      • Anger is a common component, including anger that may be directed towards physicians and other healthcare team members.
      • Guilt, or inwardly directed anger, confronts the bereaved with questions like:
        • What if I had done more? Did I do enough?
        • What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this?
      • Guilt around self: so-called survivor guilt.
        • Why wasn’t it me?
      • Sadness and despair.
      • Inability to concentrate or process information.
      • Preoccupation with the deceased.
      • Over time, the extreme emotional swings lessen.
      • Intermittent denial may also occur.
      • Social manifestations of this phase include:
        • Restlessness and inability to sit still.
        • Lack of ability to initiate and maintain organized patterns of activity.
        • Difficulty completing or concentrating on tasks at work.
        • Withdrawal from the very people who may be able to help.
        • Spiritual issues.
    3. Reestablishment
      • Grief gradually softens to an acceptance of the reality of the loss.
      • Gradual decline in symptoms as grief becomes integrated into life.
      • Grief is compartmentalized, but periods of grief may arise at specific times such as birthdays, etc.

    Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief

    1. Denial
    2. Anger
    3. Bargaining
    4. Depression
    5. Acceptance

    Disorders of Grief

    • Delayed or absent grief
    • Conflicted grief
    • Chronic grief
    • Psychiatric disturbances associated with grief
    • Physical illness associated with grief

    Grief Depression
    Experience Experienced in waves Moods and feelings are static
    Intensity Over Time Diminishes in intensity over time Consistent sense of depletion
    Self-Image Healthy self-image Sense of worthlessness and disturbed self-image
    Anhedonia Present Present
    Hopelessness Hopelessness Pervasive hopelessness
    Response to Support Response to support Unresponsive to support
    Anger Overt expression of anger Anger not as pronounced
    Guilt Focused on aspect of loss Preoccupied with a negative self-image
    Demoralization Not demoralizing or humiliating Demoralizing and humiliating
    Preoccupation Preoccupation with deceased Preoccupation with self
    Suicidal Gestures Rare in uncomplicated grief Not unusual in depression
    Social Reaction Elicits sympathy, concern, and desire to embrace Elicits irritation, frustration, and a desire to avoid

    • To accept the reality of the loss
    • To experience the pain of grief
    • To adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing
    • To withdraw emotional energy and reinvest it in other relationships

    Goals of Grief Counselling

    • To increase the reality of the loss
    • To help the bereaved deal with both experienced and latent affect
    • To help the bereaved overcome impediments to readjustment
    • To encourage the bereaved to make a healthy emotional withdrawal from the deceased and reinvest energy into other relationships

    Steps in Grief Counselling

    • Begin grief counseling if possible while the patient is still alive
    • Understand that the family is the unit of care
    • Grief counseling requires much listening and less talk by the counselor
    • Make the individual realize that he/she has enough time to grieve
    • Contact the bereaved at intervals (preferably in a home setting)
    • Medications are rarely required except in the extremely distraught
    • Identify and deal with concurrent problems that might interfere with grief
    • Identify and manage abnormal grieving patterns


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