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School Health Services


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    • Services from medical, teaching and other professionals applied in or out of school to improve the health and well-being of children and in some cases whole families
    • The SHP usually implement four pillars for Health Promoting Schools:
      1. Health promoting school policies
      2. Safe and healthy learning environment
      3. Skills-based health education, and
      4. School-based health and nutrition services

    • Over 2.3 billion school age children spend one third of their time in schools.
    • Schools therefore constitute a unique setting to help children and adolescents to develop a positive outlook on life and help them establish healthy lifestyles.
    • Yet global mortality and morbidity estimates in children and adolescents suggest that school aged children have significant needs for health promotion, prevention and health care services
    • Health of children and their learning are reciprocally related.
      • Unhealthy child has a difficult time learning
      • Unhealthy child can be disruptive to others
      • School programs included in Health People 2010
      • Not a panacea

    Goal 1: Ensure access to primary health care.

    Goal 2: Provide a system for dealing with crisis medical situations.

    Goal 3: Provide mandated screening and immunization monitoring.

    Goal 4: Provide systems for identification and solution of students' health and educational problems.

    Goal 5: Provide comprehensive and appropriate health education.

    Goal 6: Provide a healthful and safe school environment that facilitates learning.

    Goal 7: Provide a system of evaluation of the effectiveness of the school health program.

    • School health education - physical education
    • Health services - school nutrition
    • School environment - family and community
    • Counselling - health promotion
    • Psychological and social services

    Primary role is to provide coordination of the various component of the coordinated school health program.

    School nurse

    • Maintain and review birth records
    • Dispense medications
    • Train others
    • Conduct health follow-ups
    • Help develop school health policies
    • Identify students with medical problems
    • Identify community health resources

    Teacher’s role

    • Instruction
    • Services
    • School living
    • Coordination

    • Administration and Organization
    • School Health Services
      • Health appraisals
      • Emergency services
      • Prevention & control of communicable diseases,
    • Healthful School Environment
      • Physical
      • Psychosocial
    • Health Education
      • Includees all health education in the schools

    • Direct
      • Health is taught as a separate discipline
    • Correlated
      • Health is taught as part of other disciplines, i.e., science, home economics or physical education
    • Integrated
      • Health is the vehicle through which other disciplines are taught

    • Comprehensive school health programs
      • Research shows programs work - however they are not in place in all schools although the need is strong
    • Controversy
      • Based on differing values & religious teachings & over the proper implementing of the curriculum
    • School-based clinics/School linked clinics
      • Offer comprehensive health services, have met with resistance in certain communities
    • Violence in Schools
      • Risk factors need to be identified


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