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- Policy – Is a statement of intent of direction that provides institutions and individuals with guidelines.
- They are used to guide and assist managers and supervisors in achieving organizational objectives and solving problems.
- Sometimes policies are unofficial and are not written down.
- Through the organizations experience over time
- Through consultation with specialists who are experienced in the types of problem an organization is likely to encounter and
- Through the experience of organizations with similar objectives.
- They capitalize on the successes of the past
- Avoid pitfalls of the past
- Facilitate decision-making
- Promote coordination.
- Procedures are linked to policies but are more specific, it tells what steps to take in carrying out a policy.
- Goals→ Objectives→ Procedures→ Policies
- Policies may be made by the legislative, executive or judicial branches of Federal, State, or Local governments
- To implement or interpret laws enacted by the legislative branches.
- Problem definition
- Agenda setting - the process by which issues come to public attention and are placed on the agenda for government action.
- Policy formulation
- Policy adoption or legislation
- Implementation
- Evaluation
- Policies of Health care involve the major levels of management
- Operational
- Tactical and
- Strategic
- Factors such as ideological leaning, culture, revenue allocation policy, government in power (Military/ Totalitarian or civilian), situational factors, structural factors and environmental factors.
- The National Health Policy declaration of the FRN contains the following policy guidelines.
- Total commitment of Federal and State governments to the attainment of health for all by the year 2000 and beyond, that is a level of health that will permit citizens to lead socially and economically productive life at the highest possible level.
- The people have the right and duty to participate individually or collectively in the planning and implementation of their health care.
- Primary health care is defined as the strategy for achieving the goal of Health for All the people of Nigeria.
- Definition provided by the Federal Ministry of health “Primary Health care is essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full involvement and at a cost to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-reliance.”
- All governments and the people are determined to formulate strategies and plans of action, including action to be taken by local governments to launch and sustain PHC in accordance with the National Health Policy.
- Inter-governmental cooperation to be intensified by all States to ensure PHC for all citizens, since the attainment of health by the people in any one state directly concerns and benefits every other State in the Federation.
The federal government undertakes:
- To provide policy guidance and strategic support to States in their effort to establishing health system that are based on PHC and are accessible to their people.
- To coordinate State efforts in order to ensure coherent, nationwide health system.
- To provide incentives in selected health fields to the best of its economic ability to promote this endeavour and
- In collaboration with the State government, to undertake the overall responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the Health- for – all Strategy.
- All governments accept to exercise political will to mobilize and use all available resources rationally.
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