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Introduction to Environmental Health


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    Human Environment

    Human environment is the general surroundings of man and consist of the physical, biological and social components.

    Types of human environment

    1. Physical environment
    2. Biological environment
    3. Social environment

    Physical Environment

    • Non-living component of man’s environment
    • For example, air, water, food, light, heat, noise, radiation.
    • Man needs air, water, food to survive
    • Light, heat, noise, radiation affect man’s health

    Biological Environment

    • Include all living components of man’s environment
    • For example, Plants, animals µ-organism (virus, bacteria, fungi)

    Social Environment

    • Consist of man-man interactions – social- cultural practices belief, cultures, values
    • Major effects is on the psych-psychological effect i.e. mental health
    • Social environment affect health positively and negatively

    Environmental Health refers to all activities directed towards creating and maintaining the environment and other ecological conditions to promote health and prevent diseases.

    Environmental health comprises of those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment.

    It also refers to the theory and practice of accessing, correcting, controlling and preventing those factors in the environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and future generations

    Environmental Sanitation

    • It is a subset of environmental health
    • It is a process of controlling factors in human environment which can cause harmful effects on physical development, health and survival of man

    Components of Environmental Health

    1. Safe water supply
    2. Refuse and sewage disposal
    3. Food safety/food hygiene
    4. Good housing
    5. Air hygiene/prevention of air pollution
    6. Control of vectors
    7. Control of noise
    8. Control of radiation


    Practice Questions

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