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Principles and Methods of Health Education


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    Total activities aimed to providing skills by improving health knowledge and building trends and instill healthy behaviors of the individual and society

    The Word Health Organization defines health education as 'any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge or influencing their attitudes.'

    Health education process is:

    • Connected
    • Ongoing
    • Cumulative

    Health Education Concepts

    • Knowledge
    • Attitude
    • Practice

    One of the essential elements of Primary health care

    It’s a key component of primary prevention strategies

    Health- a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely absence of disease. (WHO)

    Health culture- is the information and facts that are related to health and disease for all people

    Health awareness- is people with information and knowledge of health facts and their sense of responsibility towards their own health and the health of others

    Health habit- is displayed by an individual without thinking or feeling as a result of the large number of repeat

    Health practice (health and behavior)- is played by an individual intentionally stems from its adherence to certain values

    Disseminate concepts and sound health knowledge in the community

    Enable people to identify their health problems and needs

    Help people solve their health problems using their potential

    Build a normal health trends

    Establish proper health behavior

    The ultimate goals of health education

    • Improve health at the level of the individual and society
    • Reduce the incidence of disease
    • Reduce disability and mortality
    • Improve the quality of life for the individual and society

    • Everyone
      • Adults and children
      • Men and women
      • Illiterate and learner

    Without Borders

    Any topic related to health, provided it is commensurate with the needs of the individual or target group

    Any human being that has

    • A valid health information and,
    • Received good training, and is
    • Capable of delivering the information with his skills

    1. Health message
    2. Health educator
    3. Message receiver (Target)
    4. Means (methods)

    Health message

    • Correct information, clear and understandable
    • At the level of the receiver
    • Interesting
    • Achieve the desired goal

    The health educator

    • Convinced believer to the letter
    • Has the ability and skill to deliver
    • Has the knowledge of the topic of discourse

    Target of health education

    • Degree of understanding and culture
    • Health needs
    • The level of desire for change

    Methods health education

    • Variety of Modern and stylish
    • Interactive
    • Address more than one sense

    • Individual
    • Family
    • School and community

    Behavior change is the final outcome of Health education

    Stages of behavior change

    • Awareness
    • Assessment (evaluation)
    • Interests
    • Trying (attempt)
    • Followers

    Diverse and asymmetric according to the time and place, and the diversity of the target group

    Characteristics of the target group

    • Children
    • Adult
    • Educated
    • Literate
    • Male
    • Female
    • The local culture of the target group/Users
    • Techniques/ Modern
    • Educators

    • Study objectives have been achieved
    • Know the negatives and positives
    • Identify the obstacles and how to overcome them
    • Modify the program if needed


    Practice Questions

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