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Neuraxial anesthesia pertains to local anesthetics placed around the nerves of the central nervous system to produce anesthesia sufficient for surgical procedures to be performed. Examples include:
- Spinal anesthesia (also called subarachnoid anesthesia)
- Epidural anesthesia (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral)
It can also produce highly effective pain relief for a wide variety of indications and requires adequate knowledge of the relevant anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology.
The spinal cord runs along a canal formed by successive vertebrae, their intervertebral discs, and ligaments. The canal extends from the medulla oblongata to the coccyx.
Contents of Epidural Space
- Venous plexuses
- Fatty tissue continuous with the fat in the paravertebral space
- Lymphatics
- Arteries
- Loose areolar connective tissue
- Spinal nerve roots
A formal pre-anaesthetic assessment should be carried out.
- The back should be examined, and any lesions or abnormalities noted.
- Special attention should be given to the patientās cardiovascular status, with emphasis on:
- Valvular lesions
- Other conditions that might impair the ability to increase cardiac output in response to the vasodilation that inevitably follows sympathetic blockade.
- Laboratory assessment of the patientās coagulation status is necessary where there is any doubt regarding coagulopathy or anticoagulation therapy.
- Inform the patient about possible risks and complications associated with Neuraxial anaesthesia.
- Obtain informed consent prior to performing the block.
- A work area that is equipped for airway management and resuscitation (oxygen, equipment, and drugs).
- Facilities for monitoring blood pressure and heart rate must be available.
- Procedure table that can be adjusted for height or Trendelenburg positioning.
- Cushions and pillows for support and pressure point padding.
- Step stool to support the legs.
- Check all equipment.
- Apply standard monitors.
- Establish Intravenous access, preferably with a large bore cannula (e.g. 16G).
- Given via a large bore cannula immediately before the block.
- Purpose: to increase blood volume ahead of vasodilatation caused by sympathetic blockade.
- Volume of fluid given varies with the age and the extent of the proposed block.
- Fluid:
- Preferably normal saline or Hartmannās solution.
- 5% dextrose is readily metabolized and so is not effective in maintaining blood pressure.
- Position:
- Sitting or
- Lateral decubitus position
- Prone for block in chronic pain management
- Patient should be encouraged to adopt a curled up position.
- Locating the level:
- An imaginary line joining the two iliac crests crosses over the spinous process of L4.
Antiseptic Procedures
- The operator (Anaesthetist):
- Should take full sterile precautions
- Thorough hand washing with surgical scrub solution
- Use of barrier precautions:
- Wearing of a cap, mask, sterile gown and gloves
- Use of a large sterile drape.
- The patient:
- Prepare the skin with alcohol or iodine-containing sterilizing solution (Chlorhexidine in alcohol or povidone)
- Drape the back in a sterile fashion.
- Select the desired level and infiltrate the site with local anesthetic.
Structures that Needle will pass through in CNB
Spinal anaesthesia
- Skin
- Subcutaneous fat
- Supraspinous ligament
- Interspinous ligament
- Ligamentum flavum
- Epidural space
- Dura
- Subarachnoid matter
- Subarachnoid space
Epidural anaesthesia
- Skin
- Subcutaneous fat
- Supraspinous ligament
- Interspinous ligament
- Ligamentum flavum
- Epidural space
- Dura
Technique of SAB
- The spinal cord usually ends at the level of L1 in adults and L3 in children. However, in 10% of adults, the cord terminates lower than L1/2.
- Dural puncture above these levels is associated with a slight risk of damaging the spinal cord and is best avoided.
- Any level in the Lumbar region below the termination of spinal cord can be used.
- An important landmark to remember is that a line joining the top of the iliac crests is at L4 to L4/5.
- In 50% of cases, the level of the chosen space may be incorrectly identified.
- Advisable not to insert a spinal needle any higher than the L3/4 interspace.
Lateral Position
Males tend to have wider shoulders than hips and so are in a slight āhead upā position when lying on their sides, whilst for females with their wider hips, the opposite is true.
Sitting Position
Injecting a small volume of local anesthetic under the skin with a disposable 25-gauge needle at the proposed puncture site.
Confirmation of Correct Needle Placement: CSF Return
- Clear
- Free flow
- Aspiration into syringe
- Fluid Test:
- Litmus Paper
- Urine dip stick
- Temperature
Technique of Paramedian Approach to SAB
- Difficult anatomy
- Narrowed interlamina space
- Narrowed interspinous space
- Morbidly obese patients
- Calcified or ossified ligaments ā as in the elderly
- Inability to adequately flex due to pain
Needle Path:
Skin >> superficial fascia >> fat >> erector spinae muscle >> ligamentum flavum >> subarachnoid space
- Larger target through the interlaminar space
- Avoidance of the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments
- Fewer attempts at needle insertion
- Lower incidence of PDPH
- Can be performed in the neural spine position. Flexing the patient is not necessary using this approach
- Less painful and ideal in elderly patients with calcified ligaments
Taylor Paramedian Approach to SAB
The Taylor, or lumbosacral approach to spinal anaesthesia is a paramedian approach directed toward the L5-S1 interspace. It is used when other approaches are not successful or cannot be performed, typically due to calcification or fusion of higher intervertebral spaces.
- Calcified or fusion of higher intervertebral spaces
Needle Placement:
The needle should be inserted at a point 1cm medial and inferior to the posterior superior iliac spine, then angled cephalad 45Ā° - 55Ā° and medially.
Technique for Confirming Correct Needle Placement
Identifying the Epidural Space
- Loss of resistance technique
- To air
- To liquid (saline or local anaesthetic)
- Hanging drop technique
- Saline infusion technique (Compression of a small air bubble in saline)
- Macintosh epidural balloon
- Ultrasonography guided identification of epidural space
L.A (Amides)
- Bupivacaine
- Lidocaine
- Ropivacaine
- Mepivacaine
- Prilocaine
- Cinchocaine
L.A. (Esters)
- Chloroprocaine cocaine
- Novocaine
- Tetracaine
- Amethocaine
Additives to Local Anaesthetics
Epinephrine (or phenylephrine):
- Action: causes vasoconstriction
- Decreased absorption
- Increases neuronal uptake
- Prolong duration of block
- Increase intensity of block
- Decrease systemic absorption, thus limiting toxic side effects
A. Opioids: e.g.
- Fentanyl
- Morphine
- Tramadol
B. Non-Opioids: e.g.
- Clonidine
- Midazolam
- Neostigmine
Three classes of nerves:
- Autonomic: control the caliber of blood vessels, heart rate, gut contraction, and other functions not under conscious control.
- Sensory: transmit sensations such as touch and pain to the spinal cord and from there to the brain.
- Motor: when they are blocked, muscle paralysis results.
Autonomic and sensory (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure) fibers are blocked first and Motor fibers last.
Order of Blockade:
- Pain
- Temperature (cold, warmth)
- Touch
- Deep pressure
- Motor function
Assessing the Block:
- Patient unable to lift his legs from the bed.
→ Block is at least up to the mid-lumbar region. - Better to test for the loss of temperature sensation using a swab soaked in either ether or alcohol.
Local Anaesthetic Solution injected into the subarachnoid or Epidural space blocks conduction of impulses along all nerves with which it comes in contact.
- Cardiovascular System
- Respiratory System
- Other Organs
Effects on Cardiovascular System
- Vasodilation of resistance and capacitance vessels ā Relative hypovolaemia and tachycardia, with a resultant drop in blood pressure.
- Exacerbated by blockade of the sympathetic nerve supply to the adrenal glands, preventing the release of catecholamines.
- If blockade is as high as T2, sympathetic supply to the heart (T2-5) is also interrupted and may lead to bradycardia.
- The overall result may be inadequate perfusion of vital organs.
Respiratory System
- Usually unaffected unless blockade is high enough to affect intercostal muscle nerve supply (thoracic nerve roots) leading to reliance on diaphragmatic breathing alone.
- High Spinal
- Decrease functional residual capacity (FRC)
- Paralysis of abdominal muscles.
- Intercostal muscle paralysis interferes with coughing and clearing secretions.
- Apnea is due to hypoperfusion of the respiratory center.
- This is likely to cause distress to the patient, as they may feel unable to breathe adequately.
Gastrointestinal System
- Blockade of sympathetic outflow (T5 ā L1) to the GI
- Predominance of parasympathetic
- Active peristalsis and relaxed sphincters, and a small, contracted gut, which enhances surgical access.
- Splenic enlargement (2-3 fold) occurs.
Endocrine System
- Nerve supply to the adrenals is blocked leading to a reduction in the release of catecholamines.
Genitourinary Tract
- Urinary retention is a common problem with epidural anaesthesia.
- A severe drop in blood pressure may affect glomerular filtration in the kidney if sympathetic blockade extends high enough to cause significant vasodilatation.
It is essential to monitor:
- ECG trace
- Heart rate
- Arterial blood pressure
- Respiratory pattern
- Arterial SpO2 (Pulse oximeter)
- Level of consciousness
Resuscitation Equipment & Medications to be made available in Block Area
- Oxygen supply, nasal airway, and O2 masks.
- Oral airways of different sizes, laryngeal masks, and endotracheal tubes
- Laryngoscopes
- Bag-mask ventilation device
- Suction machine & catheters
- Various size intravenous cannulas
- Equipment to monitor blood pressure, heart rate, pulse oximeter, capograph
- Defibrillator
Resuscitation Drugs
- Atropine.
- Epinephrine
- Suxamethonium
- Ephedrine
- Phenylephrine
- Glycopyrrolate
- Diazepam/Midazolam
- Intralipid 20%

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