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- Mr A.J, diagnosed with systemic hypertension, however not compliant with medication as he hopes to be healed miraculously. He presented 2 years later with haemorrhagic stroke.
- Mrs I.G, who has just received a histology report confirming stage 1 breast cancer following a 6/12 history of left breast lump, and blurts out âMy God will put the doctors report to shameâ. She represented later with stage 4 breast cancer.
- Mr and Mrs D.T, who presented based on counsel by their religious leader to seek medical help with respect to their challenge of infertility.
- Mr H.M, who insists that his cleric should pray for him before he is moved to theatre for his scheduled surgery.
Health can be defined (WHO)
- Physical, mental, social wellbeing
- Not just absence of disease and infirmity
Now, definition is enlarged to encompass body, mind and spirit
- Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being (Croat Med J, 2017)
- The word âSpiritualityâ is from the Latin word âSpiritusâ, meaning breath of life
Spirituality has been defined by various authors
- According to Sandra Hassink, Spirituality is the awareness of the divine or sacred core that underlies everyday life.
- Sheaâs definition: Sets of beliefs, practices, stories that respond to a basic human desire to find meaning and purpose in an integrated way.
- Bright-Long: The personal search for meaning, purpose and truth in oneâs life.
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) defined Spirituality as the way one finds meaning, hope, comfort and inner peace
- Spirituality is a part of human (spirit, soul and body)
- It is a known fact that many people use their spirituality to cope with health issues
- Hence a person's spiritual practice can affect clinical outcomes
Spirituality vs Religion
- Religion is the organization of spiritual experiences of a group of people into a system of beliefs and practices
- Many people find spirituality through religion
- Apart from religion, some people find spirituality by communing with nature, music, arts, quest for scientific truth or a set of values and principles
Feature | Religion | Spirituality |
Focus | Community-focused | Individualistic-focused |
Visibility | Observable, measurable, objective | Less visible, measurable, subjective |
Structure | Formal, orthodox organized | Less formal, unorthodox |
Doctrine | 'Good/evil' doctrine | Non-doctrine oriented |
Direction | Authority directed | Self directed |
Orientation | Behaviour oriented, outward practices | Emotionally oriented, inward directed |
Practices | Religious practices such as prayers, reading of holy texts- Bible/Quran/Torah | Spiritual practices such as meditation, music, hiking, nature walks |
- In the earliest times, the practice of medicine was inherently spiritual as the priests were also the custodians of remedies.
- The French revolution of the 18th century marked the separation of religion from science and hence medicine.
Epidemiology - America
- Religious practice is very important or fairly important for 73% of Americans (Gallup 2020)
- Spiritual distress is said to occur when there is a discordance between a personâs belief and their real-life experiences.
- This could have a significant impact on patient cooperation and eventually treatment outcomes.
- Potential triggers include:
- After a trauma (e.g. accident or assault)
- After bad news
- When a situation becomes life-threatening or terminal
- Bereavement
- When isolated etc.
- Signs of distress include:
- Tearfulness or asking âwhy me?â
- Withdrawal or lack of interest
- Restlessness
- Anger
- Sudden abandonment of spiritual belief
- Poor sleep
- Feeling of guilt/deserving of punishment etc.
- Biomedical model of care (Postulated by Hippocrates also derived from Louis Pasteurâs germ theory)
- Biopsychosocial model of care proposed by Engel and White (1976)
- Extended to encompass the spiritual aspect by Daniel Sulmasy (2002)
Spiritual care has to do with:
- Recognizing and responding to the expressions of spirituality we encounter in our patients and families
- Involves showing compassion, actively listening, and encouragement of realistic hope
- According to the Biopsychosocial-spiritual model, everyone has a spiritual history
Spiritual care givers include:
- Health care workers
- Family and friends
- Hospital imam/Chaplains
- Spiritual clerics
- Community leaders
Prerequisites for Spiritual Care:
- Compassionate Presence: Listening to and supporting patients through suffering â physical, emotional, and spiritual
- A provider needs to understand his/her own spiritual beliefs, values, and biases
- Understand the spirituality of the patient to remain patient-centered and non-judgmental
- Establish a good provider-patient relationship
- Involve relevant spiritual leaders as members of the interdisciplinary health care team
- Appropriate timing for discussion and conducive environment
Who May Benefit from Spiritual Care?
- Older patients (often love to share their beliefs with their health care providers and vice-versa)
- In-patients
- Patients with end-of-life problems.
- Patients with chronic illnesses or worsening illnesses
- Patients with mental illnesses (new and old)
- Patients who drop hints/casual remarks about faith
- Concerns voiced during FIFE Questions
The process by which the health care provider is able to identify a patientâs spiritual needs pertaining to medical care.
Assess if the patientâs spirituality is helpful and harmful.
Being able to monitor and mitigate spiritual health risks.
Structured or Unstructured
Unstructured; interacting with the patient and picking out salient points.
Structured; designed tools for obtaining information on spirituality.
Structured spiritual models are designed tools to help Providersâ approach the subject of spirituality of a patient using open ended questions to obtain the views of the patient about his/her health care.
These tools are based on brevity, content, patient centredness, credibility and ease of memorizing.
HOPE Questions (Ananda Rajah and Hight, 2001)
H â Sources of Hope, meaning, comfort, strength, peace, love, and connection
O â Organized religion; Are you part of a religious/spiritual community?
P â Personal spirituality and practices;
- Do you have any personal spiritual beliefs that are independent of organized religion?
- Which aspects of spiritual practices do you find most helpful personally?
E â Effects on medical care and end-of-life issues
FAITH Questions (King, 2002)
F - Do you have Faith or religion that is important to you?
A - How do your beliefs Apply to your health
I - Are you Involved in a faith community?
T - How do your spiritual views affect your views about Treatment
H - How can I Help you with any spiritual concerns
FICAA Spiritual Assessment Tool (FICAA) - Christina Puchalski (2000)
Mauganâs Spiritual History (SPIRIT) - Todd Maugan (1996)
FACT Tool (Mark LA Rocca â Pitts 2008)
ACP Spiritual History [American College of Physicians]
Kuhnâs Spiritual Inventory (Clifford Kuhn)
Matthewâs Spiritual History (Dale Matthew)
LET GO (Storey and Knight 1997)
SPIR (Frick et al)
Spiritual Assessment - Ethical Considerations
- Autonomy: Respect patientâs belief.
- Non-maleficence: Patients are vulnerable, donât be judgmental. Never ridicule a patientâs beliefs.
- Beneficence: Your assessment should add value to patientâs care.
- Justice: Ensure fairness in spiritual assessment.
Spiritual Assessment - Providerâs Plight
- Discussing spirituality with a wrong patient who may complain of harassment.
- Discussing spirituality with a patient who may not have confidence in you due to different religious groups.
- Providerâs bias on patient's spiritual belief.
- Patient requesting some medical care be kept away from caregivers when it opposes the religious doctrine.
Spiritual Assessment - Barriers
- Lack of training on spiritual assessment.
- Time constraints.
- Physicianâs burnout.
- Differences in spiritual beliefs.
- Lack of experience/confidence of caregivers.
- Lack of continuity of care.
- Lack of privacy.
What are the Health Benefits of Spirituality? - Patient
- Healthy grief after a loss.
- Improved self-esteem and confidence. Hope renewed.
- Improved relationships (with self, others, and God).
- Distress and disability easily endured.
- 'Dignified death' for the terminally ill.
What are the Health Benefits of Spirituality? - Health Care Provider
- Better understanding of life's and medicine's mysteries.
- Better job satisfaction.
- Improved Patient-Provider relationship.
Drawbacks of Spirituality on Health
- Affects medical decision-making.
- Generates beliefs that conflict with medical care.
- Folly of fatalism - belief that all things have been predestined, therefore no need for personal input (e.g., refusal of vaccination).
- Refusal of medical treatment.
- Engaging in dangerous practices (e.g., handling dangerous snakes and drinking poisons during religious practices).
- Interferes with disease detection and treatment compliance.
- Harmful effects occur when they encourage excessive guilt, fear, and lowered self-worth.
- Implications that one's ill-health is a result of insufficient faith or sin that must be suffered for.
- Substitution of medical care by prayer instead of making both complementary.
- Spiritual practices resulting in physical illness.
- "The good Physician treats the disease, the great Physician treats the patient who has the disease" - William Osler, 1905
- Spirituality is a key determinant in patient management.
- Health care workers should be vast in engaging patients' spirituality in the course of management.
- Health care givers must respect the privacy of patients with regard to their spirituality and should not impose their own belief on the patient.
- Make referrals to colleagues and senior colleagues when needed.
- Involve spiritual leaders or hospital chaplains/imams as required.
- Remember: "Cure sometimes; Relieve often; Comfort always" - William Osler, 1905

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