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Why Is It A Subspecialty?
- Mental disorders may have different manifestations, pathogenesis, and pathophysiology from younger adults.
- Mental disorders may have different manifestations
- Coexisting chronic medical illness
- More medicines
- Cognitive impairments
- Increased risk for social stressors, including retirement and widowhood
What are the differences between older and younger persons with mental illness?
- Assessment is different: e.g., cognitive assessment needed, recognize sensory impairments, allow more time
- Symptoms of disorders may be different: e.g., different symptoms in depression, mainly somatic presentation.
- Treatment is different: e.g., different doses of meds, different psychotherapeutic approaches
- Outcome may be different: e.g., psychopathology in schizophrenia may improve with age
Psychosocial development
- Young adulthood - intimacy versus isolation
- Middle-aged - generativity versus self-absorption
- Elderly - Integrity versus despair (Acceptance of mortality, satisfaction with one's meaning in the world)
Fear of death is usually a mid-life issue.
Other problems of the elderly
- Reminiscence is normative
- Loss
- One-time normative incidents do not usually result in crisis
- Fears are usually pain, disability, abandonment, and dependency.
- Cognition includes learning, memory, and intelligence.
- Learning is the ability to gain new skills and information.
- It may be slower in the elderly, especially verbal learning.
- Memory is divided into immediate, short-term, and long-term memory.
- Immediate memory remains intact.
- Short-term memory is also intact; however, it is affected by concentration, which may be less in older adults.
- Long-term memory is most affected by aging. Retrieval is less efficient; the elderly need more cues.
- Ability to use information in an adaptive way or to apply knowledge to specific circumstances.
- Crystallized intelligence includes vocabulary, verbal skills, and general information, which can continue to increase throughout life.
- Fluid intelligence consists of recognizing new patterns and creative problem-solving. This peaks in adolescence.
Benign Senescent Forgetfulness
- Age-associated mild memory problems. May also have cognitive problems due to anxiety.
- Examples include forgetting names, misplacing items, and experiencing difficulty with complex problem-solving (aging-associated cognitive decline).
Psychiatric Evaluation
- See the patient alone to assess for suicidal/homicidal ideation even if cognitively impaired.
- May need information from caregiver.
- May take extended time due to slower response time.
Other Important Aspects of History
- Family history - Alzheimer's disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait in 10-30% of the offspring of parents with Alzheimer's disease.
- Review of all medications, over-the-counter, prescribed, herbal.
- Alcohol and substance abuse history.
Mental State Examination
- General description
- Mood, feelings, affect
- Witzelsucht is caused by frontal lobe dysfunction and is the tendency to make puns and jokes and laugh aloud at them.
- Perceptual disturbances
- May be transitory resulting from decreased sensory acuity
- Types of agnosia (the inability to recognize and interpret the significance of sensory impressions):
- The denial of illness (anosognosia)
- The denial of a body part (atopognosia)
- The inability to recognize objects (visual agnosia)
- The inability to recognize faces (prosopagnosia)
- Language output
- Nonfluent or Broca's aphasia - understanding intact but cannot speak, speech may be telegraphic
- Fluent or Wernicke's aphasia - impaired language comprehension
- Global aphasia
- Ideomotor apraxia - cannot demonstrate the use of simple objects
- Visuospatial functioning - some decline is normal with age
- Most common: depressive disorders, cognitive disorders, phobias, and alcohol use.
- High risk of suicide
- Risk factors include:
- Loss of social roles
- Loss of autonomy
- Deaths
- Declining health
- Increased isolation
- Financial constraints
- Decreased cognitive functioning
- Cognitive Disorders
- Include:
- Delirium
- Dementia
- Amnestic Disorders
- Psychiatric disorders due to a Medical Condition
- Postconcussion Syndrome
- Include:
- Note that major psychiatric illnesses may also have changes in cognition, but they are not called cognitive disorders.
- Usually acute and fluctuating
- Altered state of consciousness (reduced awareness of and ability to respond to the environment)
- Cognitive deficits in attention, concentration, thinking, memory, and goal-directed behavior are almost always present
Features of Delirium
- May be accompanied by
- Hallucinations
- Illusions
- Emotional lability
- Alterations in the sleep-wake cycle
- Psychomotor slowing or hyperactivity
- Usually abrupt
Causes of Delirium
- Infectious
- Withdrawal
- Acute metabolic
- Trauma
- CNS Pathology
- Deficiencies
- Endocrinopathies
- Acute vascular
- Toxins/drugs
- Heavy Metals
- Hypoxia
- Note that prescribed medicines may cause delirium e.g. benzodiazepines and anticholinergics
Treatment of Delirium
- Look for underlying cause - "always be suspicious"
- Close supervision, especially by family
- Reorient frequently
- Adequate lighting
- Use consistent personnel
- Try not to use restraints, as it can worsen confusion
- Medication only if behavioral attempts fail
- Avoid polypharmacy
- Low dose neuroleptic is treatment of choice, unless the delirium is due to withdrawal
- If due to withdrawal, use a short-acting benzodiazepine
Amnestic Disorders
- Differs from delirium and dementia because the major problem is short-term memory only.
- Impairment may be due to hemorrhage in mamillary bodies, or degenerative changes.
- Most common cause is alcoholism.
Transient Global Amnesia
- Transient inability to learn new information
- Variable retrograde amnesia that "shrinks" following recovery
- Level of consciousness and personal identity intact
- Due to transient vascular insufficiency of the temporal lobe, or medicines, tumors, arrhythmias, cerebral embolism
- Also have risk problems for stroke
Post Concussion Syndrome
- Follows a history of head trauma resulting in cerebral concussion
- Posttraumatic amnesia
- Less commonly, post-traumatic seizures
- Impairment in attention, concentration, performing simultaneous cognitive tasks, and in learning new information, or recalling information shortly after the injury
- Not a form of dementia
Dementing Illness
- 5% have severe dementia, and 15% mild dementia in those over 65
- Over 80, 20% have severe dementia
- Most common causes: Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, alcoholism, and a combination of these 3
- Risk factors are age, family history, and female sex
Noncognitive Symptoms Accompanying Dementia (BPSD)
- Mood disorders - dementia and depressive symptoms can coexist and the depression responds to treatment
- Pathological laughter and crying occurs
- Irritability and explosiveness
- Also psychotic symptoms and disorganized behaviors
Other Noncognitive Symptoms in Dementia
- Excessive emotional outbursts that occur after task failure are "catastrophic reactions" and can be avoided by educating family members to avoid confrontation
- Delusions or hallucinations occur during the course of dementias in nearly 75%
Behavior Problems in Dementia (BPSD)
- Agitation, restlessness, wandering, violence, shouting
- Social and sexual disinhibition, impulsiveness
- Sleep disturbances
Changes in Dementia
- Cognition, memory, language
- Personality change
- Abstract thinking
- Aphasias
- Visuospatial functioning
- However, level of awareness and alertness usually intact in early stages (differentiates dementia from delirium)
- Chronic versus acute
"MA" Mnemonic for Dementia
- Memory impairment; and one of the following four items:
- Apraxia (impairment in performing tasks or movement)
- Aphasia (impairment of linguistic capabilities)
- Agnosia (inability to understand objects or people)
- Abstraction and other executive functioning
- Plus:
- Absence of clouding of consciousness
- Ability to function is impaired
Types of Common Dementias
- Alzheimer - the commonest
- Vascular - second commonest
- HIV (AID) related dementia
- Dementia due to Parkinson's disease
Dementia and Treatable Conditions
- 10-15% from:
- Heart disease, renal disease, and congestive heart failure
- Endocrine disorder, vitamin deficiency, medication misuse
- Primary mental disorders
Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type (DAT)
- 50-60% of patients with dementia
- 5% of those who reach 65 have DAT
- 15-25% of those 85 or older
- More common in women
- Occupies 50% of all NH beds
- General sequence is memory, language, then visuospatial functions
- Death occurs in about 7 yrs
- On autopsy: neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic plaques with an amyloid core and deposition of amyloid in blood vessels
- Involves cholinergic system arising in basal forebrain, nucleus basalis of Meynert - reductions in brain acetylcholine
Vascular Dementia
- Second most common type
- Can reduce known risk factors: hypertension, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and arrhythmias
Dementia due to Parkinson's Disease
- Motor dysfunction, frontal lobe symptoms, and memory deficit
- Nearly 1/2 are depressed, and depression is most common mental disturbance in Parkinson's
- Increased risk for anxiety
- Levodopa, amantadine, and bromocriptine can cause psychosis and delirium
HIV (AIDS)-Related Dementia
- Involvement of CNS is a primary symptom of the illness and may occur before signs of systemic infection
- In later stages may be result of fungal, parasitic, viral, or neoplastic disease
- Initial infection involves the brain - headache, bells palsy, seizures, flu symptoms, or aseptic meningitis
- Later stages may show abnormal reflexes
Diagnostic Evaluation of Dementia
- B12 and folate
- EEG is sensitive for delirium
- Consent and counseling for HIV
Treatment of Behavior Problems
- Antipsychotics should not be first choice, unless the patient is psychotic and should be on a short-term basis
- Consider the likelihood of depression and anxiety first or pain and environmental discomfort
- Consider using behavioral methods if at all possible
Social Recommendations
- Refer to Alzheimer's group or other support groups
- Continue preventive care - vision, dental, etc.
- Consider caregiver stress
Drug Treatment for DAT
- Most current ones affect acetylcholine (cholinesterase inhibitors)
- Donepezil
- Memantine
- Rivastigmine
- Galantamine
- Early intervention may prevent or slow decline
- 15% of all older adult community residents and nursing home patients
- Accounts for 50% of older adult admissions to a psychiatric facility
- Age is not a risk factor, but widowhood and chronic medical illness are
- May have more somatic complaints such as decreased energy, sleep problems, pain, weakness, GI disturbances
- Increases use of primary care medical resources
- For those with a medical condition, depressive symptoms significantly reduce survival
- Increases risk of suicide
Depression is the most frequent cause of emotional suffering in later life and frequently diminishes quality of life.
- A key feature of depression in later life is COMORBIDITY, e.g., with physical illness such as stroke, myocardial infarcts, diabetes, and cognitive disorders (possibly bi-directional causality)
Depression in Medical Illness
- Medicines or the medical illness may cause depression
- Rule out medical causes
- Use psychological symptoms such as hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt
- Pseudodementia occurs in about 15% of depressed older patients, and 25 to 50% of patients with dementia are depressed
Depression in Older Adults
- May have delusions which are usually persecutory or hypochondriacal in nature
- Need treatment with both an antidepressant and an antipsychotic
- ECT may be treatment of choice
Similar across lifespan but there may be some differences. Among older adults:
- Psychomotor disturbances more prominent (either agitation or retardation)
- Higher levels of melancholia (symptoms of non-interactiveness, psychological motor retardation or agitation, weight loss)
- Tendency to talk more about bodily symptoms
- Loss of interest is more common
- Social withdrawal is more common
- Irritability is more common
- Somatization (emotional issues expressed through bodily complaints) is more common
- Normal grief starts with shock, proceeds to preoccupation, then to resolution
- May be prolonged in elderly, but consider major depression if there is marked psychomotor retardation, lasts over 2 months, marked impairment, or if suicidal ideation
Bipolar Disorder
- Episodes persist into old age
- Do organic workup if onset is over 65
- Usually more irritable than euphoric, and paranoid rather than grandiose
- May have dysphoric mania, with pressured speech, flight of ideas, and hyperactivity, but thought content is morbid and pessimistic
Treatment of Bipolar
- Lithium is an effective treatment, but decreased renal clearance and neurotoxic effects may be more common
- Valproic acid is also helpful for behavioral disturbances
- They can be treated like the adults on the newer medications but doses are started lower and titration upward slower until clinical response
- Usually before 45, but there is a late onset type beginning after age 65
- More likely in women
- Paranoid type more common
- Psychopathology less marked with age
- Residual type occurs in 30% of those affected: Emotional blunting, social withdrawal, eccentric behavior, and illogical thinking predominate
- Outcome is said to be better
Delusional Disorder
- Onset between 40 and 55
- Persecutory or somatic delusions most common
- In one study of people older than 65, 4% had pervasive persecutory ideation
- May be precipitated by stress, loss, social isolation, visual impairment, deafness, immigrant status
Anxiety Disorders
- Very common in elderly
- May occur first time after age 60, but not usually
- Most common are phobias, especially agoraphobia
- Elderly more likely to use anxiolytics
- May be due to medical causes or depression
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- 20% of nursing home patients have alcohol dependence
- Sudden onset delirium in hospitalized patients usually from withdrawal
- Consider in patients with GI problems
- May misuse OTC
- 35% use analgesics, and 30% use laxatives
Alcohol Metabolism
- Brain more sensitive as ages
- Due to changes in metabolism, a given amount may produce a higher blood alcohol level than in a younger individual
- May worsen normal changes in sleep and sexual functioning
- Interacts with other medicines
Alcohol Detoxification
- Use lorazepam and oxazepam if needed for detox in elderly because of rapid metabolism
- Borderline, narcissistic, and histrionic personality disorders may become less intense
- Before diagnosing a personality disorder, verify that it is not an improperly treated underlying psychiatric disorder
- Some personality traits may become more pronounced
- Advanced age is single most important factor associated with increased prevalence of sleep disorders
- REM sleep behavior disorder occurs almost exclusively among elderly men
- Advanced sleep phase - go to sleep early, and awaken during night
- Alcohol can interfere with sleep
- Dementia associated with more arousals, increased stage I sleep; decreased stages 3 & 4
- Watch for all drug interactions
- Adherence may be a problem
- Cognitive dysfunction may require help with medication regimen
- Low potency agents (chlorpromazine) have increased effects such as orthostatic hypotension, sedation, cognitive impairment
- Atypicals may be of most benefit (olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, aripiprazole)
- Rate of use high
- May cause anterograde amnesia
- May accumulate in tissues if long-acting so may increase ataxia, insomnia, and confusion
- If necessary, oxazepam and lorazepam are drugs of choice
- Buspirone may be of benefit. Takes several weeks to work
- Goals are to have minimal complaints, make and keep friends of both sexes, have sex if interested and capable
- Grief and loss are central issues
- Example: retirement and self-esteem
- Group therapy directly lessens the elder's sense of isolation
- Family support is crucial
- Legal decision
- May be competent for some procedures, and incompetent for others

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