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- Inflammation/Enlargement of the adenoids which can cause obstruction to the nasopharyngeal airway
- Consequent recurrent sinonasal infections, otitis media, or maldevelopment of the face (adenoids facies) can result
Waldeyer’s ring of lymphoid tissue which includes the tonsils and adenoids
Waldeyer’s ring of lymphoid tissue which includes the tonsils and adenoids
- Common in children (immunologically active age)
- Physiological hypertrophy (peak 2-4 years)
- Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
- Allergy
- Low socioeconomic status
- Environmental factors
Adenoids hypertrophy in adults though not common should raise suspicion of lymphoma.
Causative Organisms
- Bacterial: Most common cultured bacteria are
- Hemophilus influenzae
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Moraxella catarrhalis
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis… rare
- Increased aerobic bacterial load and the number of B and T cells.
- Increased dendritic cells in the crypts and extrafollicular areas but less in the surface epithelium.
- Physiological hypertrophy.
Nasal Symptoms
- Nasal obstruction with mouth breathing and snoring
- Anterior nasal discharge - mucoid or mucopurulent
- Postnasal drip
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Hyponasal speech
- Epistaxis - rare
Ear Symptoms
- Recurrent otalgia
- Aural fullness
- Impaired hearing
- Ear discharge
Throat Symptoms
- Recurrent sore throat
- Dysphagia
- Change in voice
General Symptoms
- Mental dullness
- Nocturnal enuresis
- Night terrors
- Growth retardation
- Frequent diarrhea
- Malnutrition
- Dull appearance
- Pinched nose
- Mouth breathing
- Dribbling of saliva
- Flat nasal arch
- Malar hypoplasia
- Elongated face
- Loss of nasolabial fold
- Short protruding upper lip
- Crowding of teeth
- High-arched palate
Adenoid Facie
Adenoid Facie
- Reduced or absence of nasal patency
- Discharge (usually in the floor or middle meatus)
- Engorged turbinates
- Mucosal congestion and edema
- Posterior rhinoscopy: enlarged adenoids
- Retracted or bulging tympanic membrane
- Ear discharge may be seen
- Conductive deafness with tuning fork
- Mucosal congestion of the pharynx
- Granular posterior pharyngeal wall
- Postnasal drip may be seen
Inflamed and enlarged adenoids
Inflamed and enlarged adenoids
Enlarged adenoids
Enlarged adenoids
- Cervical lymphadenopathy (upper deep cervical and posterior triangle lymph nodes)
- Diagnostic nasal endoscopy
- X-ray postnasal space
- Sleep studies - polysomnography
- Computed tomographic scan
A plain x-ray. The adenoids are mildly enlarged
A simple x-ray. The adenoids are mildly enlarged
Medical Treatment
- Control of recurrent respiratory/aural infection
- Antihistamines and decongestants
- Steroid nasal spray
- Improve nutritional status
- Adequate bed rest
- Breathing exercises
Surgical Treatment
- Adenoidectomy
- Myringotomy and grommet insertion (required if associated with otitis media with effusion)
Indications for Adenoidectomy
- Recurrent acute otitis media
- Otitis media with effusion in the presence of reduced nasal airway, affecting both ears and may present for at least 3 months
- Triad of snoring, mouth breathing, and hyponasal speech in a patient with adenoid enlargement
- For biopsy of suspected malignancy

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